Thursday, March 03, 2011

How Becoming a Lia Sophia Jewelry Advisor Changed My Life

How Becoming a Lia Sophia Jewelry Advisor Changed My Life… and How it Can Change Yours

When I first started lia sophia Pins, my family and I were struggling to make ends meet. I was a mom to a 6-month old boy and 19-month old girl and was torn between full-time work and staying home with my children.

I was disappointed in myself that I’d let my finances get to where they were. We found ourselves deep in debt and making it paycheck to paycheck, but just barely. I was ashamed I’d let it get as far as it had. And on top of everything, I wanted to be a stay at home mom. It tore my heart out to leave my babies with someone else while I went off to work my corporate job. I questioned why I hadn’t planned better. Shouldn’t I have known I would have wanted to be a stay at home mom?

So I did what I always do—I prayed about it. And not long after, the lia sophia Rings Opportunity literally fell in my lap. I was sitting at my computer browsing Glasgow, Ky’s web page, when I found someone selling it. I’d never seen it, never heard of it, but I just KNEW I had to sell it. The jewelry was gorgeous. It was SO ME. I think to this day that it was divine intervention that led me to Lia Sophia; it was an answered prayer.

Now, I am a stronger woman because of it. I am proud of what I have accomplished. We are now on track financially. I’m making an extra $1000 or more a month. And, I’m happy because I’m headed in the direction of staying home with my kids!

What keeps me going is that I KNOW this company is going to continue to be successful. I KNOW their product and the quality they put into it—It is AWESOME jewelry! I love the jewelry, I love the vacations I can earn (Cancun next year!), I love that my potential to grow is unlimited, and I love the girls on my team!

How Can lia sophia jewelry Change Your Life?

It all depends on what you want and what you’re willing to do to get it. Let your emotions drive you toward your goal, and you will be successful. I’ve done it; you can, too. And it helps so much to have someone who can help you… someone who has been there and climbed the ladder, too.

As an advisor, you can:

* Make 30% commission (40% as a manager)Tiffany Jewelry

* Promote to unit manager with only 4 recruits and an average of $7000 per month in sales (I typically do $4000 by myself)

* Earn an awesome incentive trip every year! (Past trips have included Hawaii, Caribbean Cruise, and Cancun)

* Get LOADS of jewelry for free or at an amazing 70% discount

* Earn Advisor Specials each month (Past gifts have been beautiful decorative mirrors, jewelry premiums, and more)

* Earn CASH and PRIZES for recruiting and selling.Links Of London Jewelry

But on a personal level, you get:

* To Stay Home with your Kids

* To Meet New People (I’ve made so many new friends!)

* A Chance to Get Out of the House at Night on Occasion

* To Have Girls Night Out ANY TIME!

* Rewarding Relationships with Your Team

* TO EARN MONEY! (while having fun, might I add)

* A Social Outlet

* And much, much more…

I have tried many direct sales opportunities in the past, and this has been the only profitable one thus far, and it has been the only one worth my time and effort. It actually works!

As I always say, “If the Cartier Rings Opportunity may enhance your life, then take a chance. If it won’t, then don’t. But you’ll never know for sure until you give it a try.”

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